Syngonium Podophyllum, Arrowhead plant or Arrowhead vine, is a tropical plant which comes from the rainforests of Central and South America. Syngonium is generally a medium-sized bushy plant but can also come in vining forms which grow a lot bigger. There are many different varieties of Syngonium plants available, all with unique and vibrant coloured leaves - the most common colours being Green Syngonium, yellow, and Pink Syngonium. In general, Syngonium is very easy to care for, with no special plant care experience needed - it is tolerant of low light and isn’t fussy about water but be careful, it is mildly toxic to humans and pets.
Syngonium is a great plant for beginners as it is so easy to care for. It is very versatile in terms of light requirements, can handle occasional missed waterings, and can grow happily without any added fertiliser or humidity as well as Syngonium being simple to propagate.
1. Light -
Syngonium is very tolerant to different lighting conditions, especially low light, it can happily grow in a dark corner that other indoor plants might struggle with, albeit a little slower. For the best growth, in particular, for the more colourful varieties, bright indirect light is recommended. However, make sure that Syngonium doesn’t receive any direct light as this can burn the delicate leaves. A good tip is to rotate the plant regularly to ensure an even shape.
2. Temperature and Humidity-
Although Syngonium originates from warmer areas of the world, standard home temperatures are perfectly fine. They are, however, sensitive to very cold temperatures and frosts so be sure to protect them during Winter in colder climates. Also, keep them away from doors and heaters to avoid temperature fluctuations. Growth will be faster in warmer positions but it is not necessary to have a healthy plant.
3. Water -
Syngonium plants require an average amount of water - not too dry but not too wet, somewhere in between. Let the soil partially dry between waterings and water depending on the temperature, more in hotter weather and during active growth. If you overwater, Syngonium can become damaged whereas underwatering can lead to dead leaves and stems. To avoid overwatering use of a plant self watering system or soil moisture meter is recommended.
4. Soil and Fertiliser -
Syngonium is an Aroid which means it likes a well-draining soil to help aeration and prevent root rot. A standard potting mix with added orchid bark or pertile helps improve drainage and oxygen while preventing water logging. Most soils come with slow release fertiliser which should be sufficient to support healthy growth most of the year. During Summer or periods of increased growth you can add a liquid fertilser to support extra nutrient requirements.
5. Maintenance and Repotting -
Some types of Syngonium can grow relatively fast and can require regular pruning to maintain size and shape, especially the vining varieties. Maintenance is simple, just remove spent dead leaves and trim any extended or overhanging stems with clean plant scissors. Repotting can be done depending on the growth rate and size of the plant but doesnt need to be repotted more than once per year.

Syngonium is relatively easy to propagate with cuttings in either soil or water as the medium. Propagation can be done year-round but the best time is in Spring or Summer when growth is highest.
6. Cuttings in soil -
Using the trimmings (cut just below a node) from pruning, you can place the Syngonium stems in soil, keep them warm and humid and wait for roots to form.
7. Cuttings in water -
Water can also be used for propagation. Place the cuttings in a jar of clean water and keep them in a warm and humid environment until they grow roots. Once the roots are established the plant will soon start sending out leaves and you can transfer to bigger plant pots.