How to Propagate Rabbit’s Foot (Step-By-Step)

how to propagate rabbit’s foot from cuttings

So, you’ve got yourself a cute little rabbit’s foot and now you want to propagate it? That’s awesome! Rabbit’s foot ferns are a fantastic addition to any plant collection, and propagating them is pretty easy.

Before we begin, let me give you a quick rundown of what propagation actually means. Propagation is the process of creating new plants from existing ones. With rabbit’s foot ferns, this is usually done by taking a small section of the parent plant and encouraging it to grow roots and new shoots.

Having said that, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to propagate rabbit’s foot ferns.


Step 1: Choose the Right Time to Propagate

The best time to propagate rabbit’s foot ferns is during the spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing. During this time, the plant will have plenty of energy to put towards growing new roots and shoots.


Step 2: Gather Your Supplies


how to propagate rabbit’s foot from cuttings

To propagate rabbit’s foot ferns, you’ll need a few basic supplies:

  • Sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears
  • A clean container filled with fresh potting soil
  • A plastic bag or plastic wrap
  • A spray bottle filled with water


Step 3: Find a Healthy Parent Plant

Look for a healthy parent plant with plenty of new growth. You want to choose a section of the plant that has at least two or three leaves, as well as a healthy rhizome (that’s the furry root-like structure that grows on top of the soil).


Step 4: Prepare the Cutting

Using your sharp scissors or pruning shears, carefully cut a section of the rabbit’s foot fern that includes a few leaves and a section of the rhizome. Make sure the cut is clean and straight, and that there are no jagged edges or torn tissue.


Step 5: Plant the Cutting

Plant the cutting in your container of fresh potting soil, making sure to bury the rhizome just below the surface of the soil. Gently press the soil around the cutting to ensure it’s in place.


Step 6: Cover the Cutting

Cover the cutting and container with a plastic bag or plastic wrap to create a mini greenhouse. This will help keep the cutting humid and encourage it to grow new roots and shoots.


Step 7: Water the Cutting

Using your spray bottle filled with water, mist the cutting and soil until they are evenly moist. You don’t want to overwater the cutting, as this can cause it to rot. Use a soil water meter to prevent overwatering. 


Step 8: Care for the Cutting

Keep the cutting in a warm, bright location out of direct sunlight. LED grow lights can help keep an even lighting environment. Check the soil regularly and mist the cutting as needed to keep it evenly moist. You will start to see new growth within a few weeks.


Step 9: Transplant the Cutting

Once your cutting has grown new roots and several new shoots, it’s time to transplant it into its own pot. Choose a pot that’s slightly larger than the cutting’s current container, and fill it with fresh potting soil.

Carefully remove the cutting from its current container, being sure not to damage the new roots. Plant the cutting in its new pot, burying the rhizome just below the surface of the soil. Water the plant well and place it in a warm, bright location out of direct sunlight.

And now, enjoy your new plant!

Congratulations, you’ve successfully propagated a rabbit’s foot fern! With a little care and attention, your new plant should continue to grow and thrive for years to come.


Propagating a rabbit’s foot fern may seem daunting at first, but it’s actually a pretty simple process. By following these steps, you can create new plants from your existing rabbit’s foot fern and expand your plant collection. Good luck and

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About The Planted Pot

Caleb is the business director and co-founder of The Planted Pot. On this blog he shares his tips and tricks for growing and caring for a wide variety of plants, and hopes to inspire others to bring more plants into their lives and enjoy the many benefits they have to offer.